
Thursday, August 29, 2019


hi and welcome to my blog post and today I am going to tell you what I did in pe today

Today in pe we were working on our sport we have chosen we had to choose a sport so our team choose basketball.why we are practising our skills is because we are going to teach the class our sports. first we did our warm ups the first warm up we did was ruining around the court twice thewn we did the grapevine then jumping jacks.The next thing we did was work on the the skills we picked. The skills we piked were dribbling and shooting we first did dribbling       

maths DLO

hi guys and welcome to my blog post to day this is my DLO about how to multiply fractions thank you and i hope you enjoy.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Hi welcome guys today's blog is about the beep test in pe hurumanu and what we did on Monday and the beep test, I hope you enjoy.

First what we did on Monday is we got into groups we didn't get to choose. First we did sit ups we had to write down I got 16. The next thing we did the flexibility test I was surprised on how far I got. Then we did the grip test next we did the diagonal jump.

Now the beep test of course we had to warm up so we did after that its when the real things start happening.I was so thankful that the boys started  I guess the beep test is helpful so you know how you have improved. BEEP the boys started to run me and some others started cheering on the boys when they started to struggle.

This is it i was my turn to run my legs were shaking all ready. Beep we started ruining my legs stared to get sore stage 4-5 people started going one by one that's when I realised that I was one of the last. When is started to give up on stage 5 I murmured to myself keep going you can do better than this 5.9 I thought i would push myself to the limit. I stopped but I did regret it I knew I could do better I think I would improve on my breathing because i was struggling with breathing. I could go to the gym with my mother or go around the block. My results were 6.4 and that's what got for I going for it.

Thanks for reading and hope you have  lovely day. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Tane mahuta

Hi welcome to my blog post today i am going to tell you about what we did in CIP if you don't kn ow what that means it stands for Community Impact Projects the community we are focal on is the schools community. hope you enjoy.

Today with DS, AL, TZ and some of my class.The first thing we did was go the garden.We were split into three groups one group was pruning the second group was cleaning out the shed. The group I was in were turning over the we were doing this so the dirt is soft next we raked the dirt so it was evened out.

This is the exciting part we stared to plant cauliflower,beetroot and cabbage.The plants had to be a about our hands size  away from each other I planted the beetroot.The beetroot plants are so small I had to pull them apart from each other that was difficult but it was fun.

The next thing I did after planting was helping out with the rubbish by the shed.We had to sort the different types of rubbish eg: metal, plastic and wood. This was definitely not my favourite thing to do there where mashed pumpkins every were it was clearing out it looked better than before.

The last thing I did was fold the sacks up and put them on the back shelf, in the class room/shed .The class room/shed was so dusty you could see the dust in the air.If I didn't tell you the shed is going to be turned into an out door class room.I say we did pretty good clearing out the room and making the garden.

My opinion on today over all its was really good and I had fun in this section of Tane mahuta.
I would like to say thank you for reading my post and I hope you have a lovely day goodbye.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My learning conference

Hello and welcome to my blog post this blog post is different "why?" because this my learning conference slide.This slide is to show my parents  what i have been learning and to share the  to the teacher of what i think of learning.Its like a reflection on my learning.I hope you enjoy and have a lovely day. 

CIP Gardening

Hello and welcome to my blog post this blog is about what i have been doing in CIP. CIP stands for community in pact projects.The community we have been working on the the schools garden.

We were put into groups one group was pruning.The other group was clearing out a shed which is planing to be an out side class room.The group am in was softening the dirt.The first time we tried the ground was rocky at first.There  raw mini  potatoes everywhere.We didn't do much. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day. 

Monday, August 12, 2019


Hello guys welcome to blog post this post is about art and the stop motion i did with these people i was peared with they were Zoe and Nykachair our stop motion is about mannakitanga it was difficult but we did it the sound didn't work but you can still enjoy the art work heres the video.hope enjoy.
thank for  watching.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Maths DLO


Hello reader welcome to my blog post this post is about place value I made a DLO based off what I know.The learning objective is LO: l can demonstrate my knowledge of place value. My work is linked in the blue so go and check that out. Thank you for reading my blog post and have a lovely day.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Aim: To learn practical ways of recycling so that we can make our world a better place.

Video questions:

What has human activity done to our planet?
human activity has created unnatural.

What is Zero Waste?
Definition:one of the quickest and cheapest ways a community can immediately reuse

What stuff has a carbon footprint?
tooth brush,phone,bottles,bags,clothes cars lost of things.

What are 4 easy things to help our planet?
  1.  reduce  
  2. reuse  
  3.  repair
  4. redesighn
What do we need to recycle?

  1. bottle
  2. electronics/fix broken things
  3. plastics
  4. sharing porduts

What does recycling do to our planet?
it realises co2 emission

How much of our rubbish is made up of food scraps?
50% grass clippings leaves and branches
What does methane gas do to our planet?
it traps a lot more heat 84x more.

What does soil do to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?pulls carbon dioxide down from the atmosphere

What do using zero waste practices do to our planet?
it reduces co2 emission put scraps in the soil

    What is a carbon footprint?

    how much carbon

    What is your Carbon Footprint?

    You are now going to look at your own carbon footprint by taking a questionnaire. Remember to 'Add details to improve accuracy'.

    Based on the questionnaire what is your:

    1. Ecological Footprint
    2. Carbon Footprint

    How many planets did you have?

    What is your personal Earth overshoot day?


    Name 4 of the tips.



    Image result for rates of decomposition

    • Choose 6 items from the list.
    • Investigate them using Google.
    • Answer the 4 questions below.

    1. How long does this resource take to decompose?
    2. What resource / fossil fuel are they made from?
    3. How does making this object contribute to climate change?
    4. How is this resource recycled?


    The Water Cycle: Bag 1
    CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
    Desert Water Cycle
    Bag 3
    Does it cycle? yes
    Amount of Water 2
    Acidity 1

    Key: Water and acidity amount: 1 = none 
    2 = small 
    3 = large 

    other comments
    1.bag 1 cycled water.
    2.bag 1 had a small a small amount of water .
    3.The acidity in bag 1 was low.
    4.bag 3 cycled water.
    5.bag 3 had no acidity.
    6.bag 3 had a small amount of water.
    7.they all cycled.
    8.they all had no acidity.
    9.they all had a small amount of water.

    1.bag one did cycled it was not acidity and had a small amount of water .
    2.bag two had the same result as bag one i think that was predicable but had more water.
    3.bag three did cycle and had no acid still the same as bag one but not bag to because of amount of water.

    1.water/soda water
    2.bag colouring
    4. litmus paper
    5.marker pen

    1.get materials
    2.draw the water cycle on the bag
    3.get water/ soda water (put in bag) one cup
    4.put two drops of food colouring in the water
    5.hang the the bag on the window
    6.BAG TWO add litmus paper

    Draw a labelled diagram of the Water Cycle

    Water cycle words:
    1. Precipitation
    2. Hurricanes
    3. Acid rain
    4. Evaporation
    5. Carbon Dioxide
    6. Water
    7. Deforestation
    8. Water vapour
    9. Transpiration
    10. Flooding


    Monday, August 5, 2019


    Science Badges:

    Image result for science badge  


    • Climate Science
    • Global Warming
    • Recycling
    • Renewable Energy
    • Fossil Fuels
    • Ecology
    • Our Planet
    • Water
    • Plants
    1. 15 Points are needed to get a badge
    2. A high standard of work.
    • All experiments are written up ( Aim, Materials, Steps, Conclusion)
    • Two photos of your experiment
    • 6 sentences at least for a conclusion

    Science will be twice per week.

    • Lesson 1: This will be an Experiment that involves blogging. You will be expected to open a new post, copy Mr Palmer's blog and paste it on your new post.
    • Lesson 2: This will be an Investigation that relates to the topic from Lesson 1. It will be own choice and displayed in a way that you prefer. For example - PowerPoint, Doc, etc


    All the blogs and science lessons will be displayed on Mr Palmers blog: 

    Bookmark it!

    • 1 blog must be completed per Hurumanu lesson.
    • A completed blog must have the four headings ( Aim, Method, Findings, Conclusion), correct writing and punctuation under each heading and be published. No post, no points.
    • 2 images of the experiment / investigation on the blog.
    Using the Scientific method of investigation:

    Aim: What the experiment / investigation is about.
    Method: Instructions on how the experiment / investigation is carried out. This includes the equipment.
    Findings: What have we learnt or found out from our experiment / investigation. This is called Data, Information or Facts. It is displayed in a chart, table or picture.

    My Hurumanu Science Goals:

    1. To get the activity done in time 

    2. include my self 

    3. enjoy my self